Pixel’s Quantum Prototype Lab
In the game, you can help your colleagues with their experiments in order to find out the secret behind the strangeness at Toromiro Island. Right now, however, there’s not much that happens visually. And of course we’re still working on all of the UI for inventory and quests.
However, I started designing the primary NPCs’ labs in terms of how they would look at the beginning of the story rather than the idealized versions we have set up right now. This would hopefully make it feel as though you actually have a role in developing and improving the world around you.
Your own lab will have an improvement sequence as well, starting with just a bunch of boxes Lev has yet to unpack.
This is Pixel’s quantum entanglement lab, with her (in game) early prototype. I used actual labs as references, with all the loose wiring and cables all over the place and things held together with tape and alligator clips. Pixel likely spent a good chunk of her funding on the vibration-dampening table!
Next up: Chandra’s computer lab!