GMS update borked our project!
If you're using GameMaker Studio on a long term project, don't listen to the nagging popup telling you to upgrade no matter HOW SMALL the increment is.
Who thought the change from 2.3 to 2.3.257 wouldn't be backwards-compatible, but would also lack any warnings whatsoever that the code may not work anymore? On top of it, Dustin couldn’t downgrade no matter what he tried. GMS simply upgraded the runtime again.
The emborkening changed the way in which the code handled arrays, which could pretty much relate to any object or event in the game. It took weeks to bring the project into a working condition, and as of the date that I’m bringing this post onto a better website 1.5 months later, there are still minor glitches and issues that permeate the game.
I’m still furious…
A screenshot of the kind of glitch that we had due to this “upgrade”. Screw you, YoYo Games.