Exit Door Updates

Some players are just determined to find their own quirky way to the exit door, skipping crucial items and NPCs. Previously we put in a stopgap measure - a simple message telling players to go talk to Pixel and Chandra. But the message didn't adapt based on whom your already talked to, and it didn't have images showing which character was which. Still, it seemed like it was such a small minority of players that it wasn't that important.

That is, until we went to GDC, and EVERY SINGLE person who tried our game played this way. Suddenly Home Base 01 seemed much more clunky and unfinished, and we realized that door was far more important to the flow than we expected. A small change, but pretty vital. Who knows how the playtests will go this time around, but I hope this is an improvement!


New Sprinting Animation


Working on story and dialogue!